Amateur Links of interest

Weather Products


Antenna & Tower Mfg.

  • Allied Tower Company
  • Aluma Tower Company
  • Antenna Links website (links to various antenna topics)
  • Antenna Links website (links to various antenna manufactures and topics)
  • Anttron
  • Array Solutions
  • Autek Research
  • Butternut Antennas (a subsidiary of Bencher, Inc)
  • C3I Antennas
  • Champion Radio Products (Towers and equipment)
  • Comet Antenna
  • Cubex Quad Antenna Company
  • Cushcraft
  • DWM Communications (Yo-Yo-Tenna)
  • E-Z Hang
  • Fiberglass Portable Antennas
  • Force-12 Antennas and Systems
  • GAM Electronics
  • Gap Vertical Antennas
  • GeoTool
  • GLA Systems "Texas Bug Catcher"
  • Heights Tower Systems
  • Hy-Gain Antennas
  • Hy-Power Antenna Company
  • IIX Equipment, Ltd. (W9IIX)
  • International Antenna Corp.
  • KO6YD Designs (screwdriver antennas)
  • Larsen Antennas
  • LDG Electronics
  • Lightning Bolt Antennas
  • M2 Antennas
  • Maxrad Antenna Company
  • Metal & Cable Corp., Inc.
  • Mosley Antennas
  • National RF, Inc.
  • Pirod Towers (commercial tower engineers) Valmont
  • Polyphaser Lightening Arrestors
  • Qubex Quad Antennas
  • Radioware
  • RF Applications
  • RF Parts Company
  • RF Tech (surge & lightning protection)
  • ROHN Towers and Products
  • SGC
  • Screwdriver Antenna Memory
  • State Electronics Parts Corp
  • Sommer Antennas
  • Tennadyne Log-Periodic Antennas
  • T.G.M Communications
  • WB0W, Inc
  • Wireman Inc.
  • WX0B Array Solutions
  • FCC Universal License System (ULS)
  • Ham Radio Insurance
  • Ham Radio Market Place
  • Ham Radio Showcase
  • Hammond Museum of Radio
  • Hamsure Insurance Company
  • HamQuest (An internet auction site devoted entirely to Amateur Radio)
  • Hi-Res Communications (Videos)
  • KK7TV Communications (Factory Authorized Repairs)
  • Motorola information (programming, RIB, etc)
  • FCC's website concerning RF Safety Requirements.
  • ARRL's website about the RF Safety Requirement.
  • Repeater Controllers reference website (many companies listed on one webpage)
  • Advanced Control Components
  • Amateur Radio Communications Technologies (ARCT)
  • Computer Automated Technology, Inc. (CAT)
  • Connect Systems
  • DB Products (antennas & duplexer's)
  • Doug Hall Electronics (maker of the RB-1)
  • K3JLS Website (Conversion and various information about GE and Motorola equipment)
  • Link Communications
  • Micro Computer Concepts
  • NHRC Repeater Controllers
  • Pacific Research Controllers & Linking Interfaces
  • RCSI Radio Control Interface
  • S-Com Industries
  • Spectrum USA
  • Scanner Frequencies

  • National Scanner Frequency Database Online
  • Index for all Frequencies in Wyoming
  • Index for all Frequencies in Colorado
  • Lightning Leo's Wyoming Frequency Guide
  • Bearcat Radio Club
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) Frequencies
  • Space Shuttle / MIR Station Frequencies
  • PerCon DataFinder
  • Police Scanner's Online
  • Presidential Protection / Secret Service Frequencies
  • Individual Ham Pages   

  • K5TRA
  • Packet Radio & Digital Devices and Information

  • BayPac TNC's
  • DigiPan (FREEWARE for PSK31)
  • G3VFP Download page for PSK and other ham related software
  • Juliet Alpha Cluster Packet Cluster of JA
  • TAPR Packet Radio and more!
  • Timewave Technology, Inc.
  • West Mountain Radio (RIGBlaster)
  • WinPSKe (PSK31 Software ... FREEWARE!!)
  • Speakfreely (voice over IP)
  • Magazines and Published Articles


  • Amateur Radio Newsline, aka "Westlink"
  • History of Amateur Radio
  • Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) Advertisers
  • Antique Radio Classified
  • ATVQ, Amateur Television Quarterly
  • CQ Magazine
  • eHAM.net
  • Ham Radio Online Magazine
  • Manual Man - Vintage Manuals
  • Microwave Journal
  • National Contest Journal
  • Newsline
  • RSGB, Radio Service of Great Britain
  • 73 Amateur Radio Magazine Online
  • Shortwave/Radio Catalog
  • W7FG Vintage Manuals (depot of extensive owner manuals)
  • Old time Radio Programs you can purchase from Old Time Radio.com
  • Ham Related Software

  • ACE-HF Software
  • Amateur Radio SoundBlaster Software
  • Antenna Model Software
  • APRSPoint Software
  • Buckmaster Software
  • CAPMan & WinCAP Wizard2 (other free software available for download)
  • Chilton Software's Web-controlled Short-wave Receiver on-line
  • Code Quick 2000
  • Communications Products, Ltd.
  • Computer International
  • Creative Services Software
  • Data-matrix (ProLog)
  • DX4WIN Logging Software
  • EZ-NEC Antenna Software (by W7EL)
  • Kansas City Tracker Software
  • Log-EQF Logging Software
  • LOGic 5 for Windows
  • LogSat
  • MININEC for Windows
  • N3FJP Logging Software
  • Pacific-Sierra Research Corp., HFX Software
  • Pro-Log Logging Software
  • Steak Sandwich Software
  • Taborsoftware
  • Texas Software Company
  • Equipment Manufacturer's

  • ADI Radio
  • Agrelo Engineering
  • Alan Broadband Company
  • Alinco
  • Alpha/Power Inc, (ETO)
  • Ameritron
  • Antenna Systems and Supplies
  • AOR
  • Atlantic Solar Products, Inc
  • Autek Research (Advanced Antenna Analyzer's)
  • Better RF Company (706 Tuner Plugs)
  • CES Wireless Technologies
  • Command Technologies Amplifiers
  • Communication Concepts Inc., (CCI)
  • Communication Specialist, Inc (COMSPEC)
  • Computer International
  • Conex Electro-Systems
  • DB Products (antennas & duplexer's)
  • DCI Digital Communications, Inc
  • Digi-Key Corporation
  • R.L. Drake Radio Company
  • Eimac Tubes
  • Elecraft (HF Transceivers in kit form)
  • HAL Communications Corporation
  • Hamtronics, Inc
  • Icom
  • Icom IC-706 Tune Control
  • International Crystal Manufacturing
  • International Components Corporation
  • Intuitive Circuits, LLC
  • Jade Products, Inc.
  • Jan Crystal's
  • Japan Radio Company
  • Kachina Communications
  • Kantronics
  • K-Com RFI Solutions
  • Kenwood
  • LDG Electronics
  • Magnum Radio (10 meter - 11 meter mobile radio's)
  • Maxon Radio
  • MFJ Enterprises
  • Midland Radio
  • Mirage
  • National RF, Inc.
  • Nye-Viking
  • Oak Bay Technologies
  • Pat-Comm Radio Corporation
  • Peet Bros Company
  • Peter Dahl Co.
  • QRO Amplifiers & Technologies
  • RF TEC Mfg, Inc.
  • Ramsey Electronics (everything in KIT form!)
  • Ranger Communications, Inc. (RCI 10 meter / 11 meter mobile radio's)
  • Sandy Ganz (ton's of information on Motorola radio's, build your own RIB, etc)
  • Signal/One
  • SGC Corporation
  • Standard Radio
  • Svetlana Tubes
  • Tandy Corporation
  • Ten-Tec Corporation
  • Tigertronics, Inc.
  • Uniden
  • Vanlong Technology Company (quartz crystals, SAW filters, etc)
  • Vectronics
  • VolksRTTY Interface Kits
  • W2IHY Technologies (Transmit Audio equalizers)
  • Watkins-Johnson Receiver
  • West Mountain Radio (RIGBlaster)
  • Wilderness Radio
  • XMatch Antenna Tuner
  • Yaesu

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